Programming 1
Coding helps develop a huge set of skills. Problem solving, logical process, step-wise iterations...the list goes on.
My philosophy when it comes to coding is: "Code to learn to code."
Ultimately you will get the most out of coding through learning by doing. So we will end up getting right into coding as quickly as possible. Luckily, once you learn the absolute basics you can get into any type of coding very quickly. Coding is more than just writing lines and lines of text - it is all about the step-wise process of adding instructions in order to accomplish a task.
What are some of the things we will do this in course?
- Solve logical puzzles
- Use pre-written code blocks to construct a program
- Map out the logic of programs
- Code mini programs and games on a handheld Micro-Bit
- Write various programs and games in the C# coding language
- Troubleshoot and error-check finished code
Programming 2
This course is an independent study program designed for students who have completed the initial Programming course at Spectrum and want to invest time into a particular avenue of exploration.
Students will design their own program and areas of focus, set goals and guidelines for success, and develop an itinary for course progression, as well as provide on-going feedback and documentation of their progress.
Discussion with a Computer Science teacher is required before beginning this course.